Boosts Biology. Promotes Vitality
- Contains a well-balanced proportion of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium with good availability and long-term supply.
- Promotes a healthy biological presence in the growing media, improving nutrient cycling and availability as well as improved root growth.
- Contains naturally occurring activators of plants’ immune response, elevating defence against bacterial and fungal diseases.
- Easy to apply thanks to user-friendly sandy texture.
- 100% Organic – Approved by the Soil Association.
Charge is a 100% naturally-produced potting soil enhancer that confers a whole host of biological benefits to your plants. Charge boosts and prolongs the fertility of your potting mix by adding a balance of long-lasting primary nutrients in a highly available form. Composed entirely from the droppings of beetles, this premium grade ‘insect frass’ is packed full of beneficial microorganisms and natural plant growth catalysts. Charge will stimulate robust plants growth, improve root zone conditions and create vigorous high yielding plants. Certified for use growing organic crops by the Soil Association.
When should I use Charge?
For best results, mix Charge into your potting mix before planting. If your growing media has a low-medium nutritional content , such as Coco Coir or a multi-purpose compost, mix it at 2% by volume. If you use a heavily fertilised potting soil mix it at 1% by volume. In the weeks after mixing into the growing media, water and feed as you would normally. Charge contains a mild kick of nutrients and will compliment your nutrient regime, not interfere with it.
For continued plant health and growth improvement, top dress Charge onto the surface of the growing media every 2-4 weeks.
Charge can also be mixed with water for use as growth boosting foliar spray.